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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Newbie Posted - 17/01/2011 : 17:13:31
How do you guys get such amazing pics of your corns?!

Had Vin out today, took 2 pics, but the little rascal wasn't having any of it! Too interested in examining my hair

Whats your secret to catch all those great tongue-flicking pics? x
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Newbie Posted - 20/01/2011 : 19:28:37
Awww thanks for all the tips everyone! Going to have a bash again next week, he's just had his din dins so no handling for a while now! xx
Oh How Original Posted - 20/01/2011 : 17:07:20
In my opinion getting a tongue shot isn't luck.
I have had loads, and some are with the tongue fully extended as far as it can come out.
I tend to give them something interested to climb on or something, and there interest makes there tongues come out.
I'm also quite lucky that there is only one snake of mine that doesn't like pictures (Pendulum) and the rest pose like hell
My female Royal for example, soon as I get the camera out, she constantly sticks her tongue out....
mikeyd_26 Posted - 19/01/2011 : 21:41:35
normally just take about 10 pics and hope 1 looks ok!!
mikerichards Posted - 19/01/2011 : 19:23:48
If you want to try something for tongue pics, as you are going to take the picture, move a hand infront of the snake, they see the movement and stick their tongue out to see what it is! I have dont this many many a time.

I would advise to use either no flash, or if you can, a flash setting that is very low, snakes cant blink as a reaction to bright light in the way that we can, so their eyes have no protection against sudden bright lights.
Newbie Posted - 18/01/2011 : 15:37:48
That pics fantastic! I'm not jealous at all...*wanders off and sulks* x
baitman Posted - 18/01/2011 : 14:13:30
just a case of waiting for the shot...

crazy JJ Posted - 18/01/2011 : 14:11:42
i use my phone (8.0 mega pixel), then point at snakie and push the button simples :D not much else to it really
Sta~ple Posted - 18/01/2011 : 12:17:04
Originally posted by Newbie

How do you guys get such amazing pics of your corns?!

Had Vin out today, took 2 pics, but the little rascal wasn't having any of it! Too interested in examining my hair

Whats your secret to catch all those great tongue-flicking pics? x

Put them in the freezer for 20 mins. Then I get out my whole 2.0 mega pixel mobile phone out with a camera.
sullysteve Posted - 18/01/2011 : 10:50:06
All my snakes are well trained. I just say "SIT"! and they sit and when i say "TONGUE OUT"! they poke their tongue out.

..........Or maybe its just luck
tehbunneh Posted - 17/01/2011 : 23:46:29
Maybe hold him for a fair while, then try taking some photos when he's tired out from crawling about? I also tend to put my guys out for their weekly 'run about', so I pile up their extra tubes up on a chair throw, and tuck all the sides in so its hard to escape, and take photos that way. Then you don't have to worry about holding AND photographing, and you can keep a real good eye on him and make sure he doesn't escape whilst you're photographing ^^ Might be worth a shot? If you trust him just in an armchair with a throw over it?
Newbie Posted - 17/01/2011 : 22:00:10
Made another effort to take piccys tonight with Vin in his faun with a sony cybershot, the pics were awful as the light reflected back, obvious it would really lol, but his reaction was adorable!

When he's out he's all over the place, but when he saw the flash he came straight to the edge and watched intently as I clicked away! He's usually a bit nervy, so seeing him so interested was lovely! xx
tehbunneh Posted - 17/01/2011 : 19:42:11
I use my boyfriend's Canon PowerShot A540, on auto, with flash and macro on auto too. That's how I get my photos. That, and a lot of patience, and a lot of photos being taken that are deleted if no good. The tongue shots really are a matter of luck x.x
eeji Posted - 17/01/2011 : 19:28:14
more crappy pics than good pics seems to be the norm when photoing animals :)
Newbie Posted - 17/01/2011 : 19:26:22
I'll have to try harder! Can't wait to get some proper pics to put up here, he's lovely but very fast and not a huge fan of handling to be honest! xx
Kehhlyr Posted - 17/01/2011 : 19:23:10
I have a little cheap and cheerful point n click camera.
I can set it to take up to 4 shots a second, usually after a 2 second burst I can get 1 decent tongue shot.
n/a Posted - 17/01/2011 : 19:22:06
all you need is patience and good timing x
mikerichards Posted - 17/01/2011 : 19:19:39
i spent nearly 2k on the camera, no secret really!!!
Twi Posted - 17/01/2011 : 19:00:49
lol i bought a good camera it pretty much takes good shots even while snakes are moving xD but it takes fantastic shots of my lazy python XD
n/a Posted - 17/01/2011 : 18:33:57
Some animals are just born attention seekers and will pose for their photoshoots LOL
Invalid User Posted - 17/01/2011 : 17:23:01
I have hardly any tongue flick pics and when I did get them it was pure luck.

I think some members must have SLR cameras (I so want one but it will take me a while to save up!) I also take about 40 pics everytime I get him out for a photo shoot and usually only 8 or 9 are decent enough to post on here.

I do have a macro function on my camera which does take great close up head shots if the snakes will stay still long enough.

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