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 buying frozen mice online

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Twi Posted - 17/01/2011 : 12:54:57
anyone know a good place to buy frozen mice online. I used tripple 8 3 times, first time was ok, I'd ordered Freckled (my leo) off them, they used TNT and it arrived the next morning and the mice were still nice and frozen. The second time I had some trouble they used parcel force and the driver ran out of time on deliveries and went back to depot i got them the monday after defrosted and smelly, had to phone tripple 8 and they sent out a new order which got delivered but were begining to defrost. Third time i paid extra for faster delivery they sent it out with Parcel Force again and i had more problems and they were delivered to me half defrosted. So I'm looking for a new place to buy online as the rep shop doesnt do what they call "inbetween sizes" so mouse and pyes food i need to order online. Anyone know anywhere thats more reliable? lol preferably one that doesnt use parcel force to deliver XD
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n/a Posted - 20/01/2011 : 12:35:59
I ordered 25 large mice as a start just to be able to evaluate service provided. Worked out just over £1 per large mouse, single delivery charge of £9.95 (this included other items delivered at same time) and its express delivery before 12.

It is more expensive but as far as i'm concerned the level of service provided both in terms of goods and their support on the phone i'm more than happy.
a33272 Posted - 20/01/2011 : 12:05:01
what did u order and how much did it cost so people can compair
n/a Posted - 20/01/2011 : 09:59:25
After the complete lack of customer service from, i rang The member of staff i spoke with was very helpful, answering any questions i had and assisting me with ordering the correct size mice for my babies. Order placed and arrived here in perfect condition, well packed and frozen. Thats what i call decent customer service
Sta~ple Posted - 19/01/2011 : 20:54:04
I know :p I've never contacted them so I wouldn't know their customer service but I do know TSM's is great.
n/a Posted - 19/01/2011 : 20:37:44
I'm talking about
Sta~ple Posted - 19/01/2011 : 19:54:26
TSM Has excellent customer service I think! I've e-mailed them twice and I got replies back swiftly! Shame theres no on-line order form :( dis-like talking to people XD
n/a Posted - 19/01/2011 : 19:11:04
If they can't be bothered returning my calls then they don't deserve my money. S*d em.
Red123 Posted - 19/01/2011 : 18:53:29
Contacting A & N by email is the way to go. I emailed them several times and had replies later the same day.
n/a Posted - 19/01/2011 : 12:56:10
Well you know what they say about when someone recieves poor or non-existant customer service
a33272 Posted - 19/01/2011 : 12:46:35
thats a shame never heard of anyone having problems with a an n before
n/a Posted - 19/01/2011 : 11:03:27
I tried both numbers and left message to contact me back. No reply so after having a lengthy discussion with an alternative supplier i will buy from there. Hopefully their goods will be as top notch as their customer service has been.
a33272 Posted - 19/01/2011 : 10:54:05
did u try the place an order tab on website, did u try both numbers
n/a Posted - 19/01/2011 : 10:41:12
Tried to contact several times to discuss my needs. Unable to get through despite trying over last 36 hrs. Will therefore be buying elsewhere.
a33272 Posted - 18/01/2011 : 21:26:09
and the uk division is in bury st edmunds lol
eeji Posted - 18/01/2011 : 21:23:44
they are in the netherlands :S
Figs Posted - 18/01/2011 : 20:51:35
has anybody ever used these?

They are really really cheap... but i've never used them
If its not just for shops etc then it looks really good!
Red123 Posted - 18/01/2011 : 19:44:57
I myself have just received my first order from A & N Frozen Foods. The rat weaners and mice fluffs and jumpers all arrived fully frozen and very well packed. The rats and mice look excellent. Although delivery is £20 or £24 depending on box size the actual prices of the rodents are excepiontal. I have saved £86+ on this order compared to my local pet shop.
crazy JJ Posted - 18/01/2011 : 14:48:00
i use a&n always comes fully frozen not had any probs except the once with delivery but that was over xmas.
agree with eeji on prices
eeji Posted - 17/01/2011 : 19:34:52
Originally posted by herriotfan

AN Frozen (as recommended by Gmac) are very good but like most places delivery is a small fortune!

A&N get my recomendation too - ignore what seems to be a high delivery cost, it is more than offset by their cheaper mouse prices
mikerichards Posted - 17/01/2011 : 14:07:11
I use Tsm too, their food quality is the best I have seen, never had any snakes refuse it. Delivery isn't too bad, and its special next day, 12 quid if you order less than 125 quid worth.

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