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 Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity..

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
HannahB Posted - 15/01/2011 : 22:48:57
hi everyone

for those of you who don't know I'm a volunteer at Great Ormond Street Hospital - I go on the wards and play with the kids to help break the monotony of hospital life up and give them someone to talk to/play with when mum and dad have gone home. GOSH is a fantastic facility and do an amazing job but a lot of the facilities the children play with and rely on on a daily basis aren't free. The GOSH Children's Charity raises money to buy adapted equipment that can in some cases help save their lives but can mostly help them to be independent - £7 can buy an adapted bath for easy access and £100 can help provide accommodation for parents for up to 10days while their children receive treatment.

I guess by now you know where this is heading!

On 30th May I'm running/walking quickly the Bupa 10,000 race in aid of Great Ormond Street, I need to raise £350 minimum but my goal is £425..

Will any of you be willing to help me reach my goal??
If you are please visit and donate what you can - Just £7 will help

Thank you - I get the internet hopefully next week so I'll be around to pester you all

Hannah (and all the kids at GOSH)
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
HannahB Posted - 20/01/2011 : 20:42:17
i officially start my volunteer placement with them next week helping in the youth group with the older patients..CANNOT wait!! haha
saamicaat Posted - 16/01/2011 : 09:20:02
I'm up for supporting you! I used to have to go to GOSH literally twice a month due to medical problems as did my older sister and we know how horrible it can be, regardless of what hospital you're in how boring it can be when your parents aren't there and you don't know anyone! Keep up the good work!
stotty01 Posted - 16/01/2011 : 00:08:30
my dad gives money through 'geezers charity event' the fishing one to great ormond street :) i think he gave £300 last year :)
HannahB Posted - 15/01/2011 : 23:11:49
starting the c25k tomorrow!! lol
sullysteve Posted - 15/01/2011 : 23:10:27
Go now! lol OUTSIDE! run run run!
HannahB Posted - 15/01/2011 : 23:07:32
thank you Paula - like tesco say..every little helps
devilsmistress Posted - 15/01/2011 : 23:05:07
I have donated a little! Not much but will doante again if I can.
HannahB Posted - 15/01/2011 : 22:58:02
thank you very much
guess this means i better do some training cause right now i can barely run 500meters lmao!!!!
sullysteve Posted - 15/01/2011 : 22:56:14
I'll be sponsoring u HB


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