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 Scooby, Cooper..............

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mikerichards Posted - 18/12/2010 : 13:52:29

And with Scooby, who we didnt think was that big, apparently we were wrong!!!

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
herriotfan Posted - 18/12/2010 : 20:16:57
Too cute for words!!!!
Mort13 Posted - 18/12/2010 : 19:00:08
Aww what a little cutie. He/she is going to be beautiful as an adult then. Bengals are lovely cats.
Invalid User Posted - 18/12/2010 : 15:41:56
Aww, that kitten looks just like my Diva!

So cute.
Inkygirl Posted - 18/12/2010 : 15:37:51
omg how tiny :) gorgeous, i have a tabby kitten called alvin and a black one called marvin xox
mikerichards Posted - 18/12/2010 : 15:11:08
Evo is half Bengal, so is gonna get bigger than scoobs and cooper anyway!! just a matter of time!
Ammerz Posted - 18/12/2010 : 14:06:14
Its like a normal house cat and a jungle cat in the bottom photo.
Tiffany-x Posted - 18/12/2010 : 13:56:27
They are lovely pictures, such a teeny little kitty! Very adorable! :P

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