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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Figs Posted - 17/12/2010 : 23:17:36
Even if we did have it earlier this year, i'm still excited
AND somehow at 11pm its not even dark!

My doggie lost his legs its so thick.
Poor Grayson

10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tiffany-x Posted - 18/12/2010 : 17:02:52
We dont even have snow!! :'(
stotty01 Posted - 18/12/2010 : 17:00:00
got sent home from work :( sounds heaven to some but i love playing with reptiles all day :D
Mort13 Posted - 18/12/2010 : 09:43:31
Aww little doggy no legs,looks like he's enjoying the snow
It snowed overnight here and is still snowing My daughter probably woke up the whole street with her excited scream when she saw it lol. My son is poorly at the mo and didn't want to see it. He must be in the grips of severe little man flu :-(
Wendy Posted - 18/12/2010 : 09:03:47
Nic pics, we have had lots snow (well, lots for us hehe) only 9am kids out playing in it, the urge to join them is getting very strong now
lrv2307 Posted - 18/12/2010 : 04:53:21
had a little flurry here in west london, blinking M25 ground to a standstil, so no party for me in surbiton :o( boooooo

oh well,
eeji Posted - 18/12/2010 : 01:37:00
i've just had to go out to Leigh to pick up the mrs from the pub, its still coming down thick n fast! :D
scubadude Posted - 17/12/2010 : 23:47:18
getting to work could be fun for me then, thanks for the update miss figs
Figs Posted - 17/12/2010 : 23:29:34
Aha! Thanks science-steve
i be in great sankey (not great snakey, as my hands automatically typed...)
sullysteve Posted - 17/12/2010 : 23:22:55
Were bouts in snowy Warrington u from miss figs?
sullysteve Posted - 17/12/2010 : 23:21:14
The reasons it's still light is because the moonlight reflects from the snow much more than tar, grass etc...

I know this ain't a geological forum! Lol

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