T O P I C R E V I E W |
Oh How Original |
Posted - 06/12/2010 : 18:32:51 Very very tempted to buy a chameleon, but the ones I have found on Google are like £200 panther ones. I just want a normal one, does anyone know a good breeder? Also anyone got any information on the kinds of things they eat etc...? All help will be appreciated :D |
18 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
herriotfan |
Posted - 09/12/2010 : 10:16:28 quote: Originally posted by Oh How Original
Thanks Herriot but I have now tried to text 5 different people and all the numbers are wrong. But they all seem to start with the same "0709666"... Bit weird.
Yes, strange! Not sure I like the 666 at the end...... 
Oh How Original |
Posted - 08/12/2010 : 21:01:10 Thanks Herriot but I have now tried to text 5 different people and all the numbers are wrong. But they all seem to start with the same "0709666"... Bit weird. |
herriotfan |
Posted - 08/12/2010 : 19:30:17 quote: Originally posted by Oh How Original
Oh yes Yorkshire is closer to me than Brighton lol. I had a look on preloved, but none of the ads seemed to have pictures or anything.
Try www.reptiletrader.co.uk sometimes have photos on there.  |
Oh How Original |
Posted - 08/12/2010 : 15:58:04 Oh yes Yorkshire is closer to me than Brighton lol. I had a look on preloved, but none of the ads seemed to have pictures or anything. |
herriotfan |
Posted - 08/12/2010 : 10:35:25 Regards where you can get one....there's a chap in Yorkshire that has adverts on preloved and reptile trader sometimes, maybe he's a little closer? |
tehbunneh |
Posted - 08/12/2010 : 10:28:17 A lot of people find that, unless they've had them from infancy and handled them often, chameleons can be really finickety about being handled, hiss, puff up, leap out of your reach and the like. Like I said, my mum's chams are pretty friendly and not at all skittish, but she's had them from about 2 months old, and handled them daily, and they really don't seem to mind coming out and about for a handle. All chams are different though - their personalities are as diverse as the corns, and some just really don't appreciate handling, or being disturbed. I think you've just got to be prepared to go the distance for one that you want, as most pet shops will sell them too old to integrate into handling procedures - they'll be pretty nasty to you. I've put some pictures of Pixie up in the 'Other Exotic Pets' photo bit, if you wanted to see. I'll see if I can get some photos when I'm back home too, of the display cabinet they are in currently. |
herriotfan |
Posted - 08/12/2010 : 10:26:12 You can handle them if they are happy to let you. Some are hissy and don't like to be handled but some just love it and want to come out, they will scratch the cage door to get your attention! |
Oh How Original |
Posted - 07/12/2010 : 23:56:31 He looks rather awesome dude. Getting even more interested in buying one now lol |
Kehhlyr |
Posted - 07/12/2010 : 23:49:26 This is Clive:

Click For Bigger for the other images, still not figured out how to thumbnail view Facebork pics.
/ninja edit HAH Figured out how to thumbnail failbvork pics. Woo. |
Oh How Original |
Posted - 07/12/2010 : 22:33:29 Thanks for all the information folks. Brighton is way too far for me to travel though. And what do you mean I can't handle one? :S And thanks K, look forward to seeing the pictures... Definitely very interested in getting one like. |
Kehhlyr |
Posted - 07/12/2010 : 22:13:05 We have a thin layer of substrate on the bottom of his current viv, enough to just cover it so it's not plain, we use a small amount of aspen with some bits of woodchip thrown in just to break it up a bit. We've got a couple live plants in there, with some plastic plants (gotta love Dunelm mill) along with some year old baked hydrangea branches which look fantastic because they are curly as well. He currently eats mainly 3rd crix or mealies mostly. Shall post a piccy later. |
stotty01 |
Posted - 07/12/2010 : 20:10:20 if im honest with you......you cant handle them and i find them always moody and boring....but hey thats my opinion :) |
tehbunneh |
Posted - 07/12/2010 : 12:36:14 My mum has two female yemens in a display cabinet that she and my dad converted. They have real plants like fern and... something fancy... to travel about on. They also walk on the bottom of the viv, are so small they are only on hatchling crickets currently, with red fruit always available, and though they are misted, they also like to drink from bowls of water at the bottom of the tank. I think she has been really lucky, as hers never hiss, and are perfectly happy coming out for a scramble up her sleeves. I'll see if I can find out the breeder my brother brought them from for her, but it was £35 the pair. He's in Brighton, but he's a very nice chap apparently! |
herriotfan |
Posted - 06/12/2010 : 21:11:18 No substrate. Eat crickets, locusts, mealworms, waxworms, silkworms. Google chameleon forums and you should find one or two. Most forums give a caresheet of some sort. Have a look on preloved or reptile forum classified for chams for sale. Veiled/Yemen are the easiest and cheapest. Panther's are dearer although not that much difficult than Veileds to care for. Hope that helps a little!  |
Oh How Original |
Posted - 06/12/2010 : 20:18:19 What do they eat K? And do they just live on normal Substrate? (I use wood chip) |
drchino |
Posted - 06/12/2010 : 19:41:55 haha thats well cute with him hissing! Probably not the effect he was after! |
Kehhlyr |
Posted - 06/12/2010 : 19:09:26 Have a good look about, our chameleon only cost us 35 quid for a little veiled/yemens. Good little lad with a mental reach on his tongue. Still not very used to us so when his lid gets opened he hisses like mad at us. |
Figs |
Posted - 06/12/2010 : 19:02:05 Shazam! http://www.thereptilian.co.uk/care_sheets/veiled_chameleon_yemen_chameleon_Chamaeleo_calyptratus_care_sheet.htm
Veiled chameleons are the most common ones i've seen - about £70 Not a clue on breeders though - i've seen them in most lizardy pet shops  |