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Topic author: Mouse
Subject: Caesarian....
Posted on: 21/06/2010 16:37:53

Righty, they're overdue now, so I was planning on cutting one of the eggs open and seeing whats going on.

Any advice?


Reply author: matty18714
Replied on: 21/06/2010 17:06:29

(I have not done it myself, and I dont know how long your eggs have been cooking)

I would use a sharp stanley blade and make sure you cut the part of the egg facing up, but part in contact with th air bubble inside.

Reply author: Tatsie-j
Replied on: 21/06/2010 17:18:10

Hope all is ok will b watching thread!!

Reply author: eeji
Replied on: 21/06/2010 19:25:02

how many days have they been incubating, and do they still look good?

Reply author: Kehhlyr
Replied on: 21/06/2010 19:43:23

Have you candled as well, surely movement inside should give a rough guide if they're just taking longer to incubate as well.

Reply author: Mouse
Replied on: 21/06/2010 22:52:52

they are about a 3/4 week overdue. (by my records)

I have worried they're dead/never alive to begin with.

They look fine, overly plump (they've kind of puffed up a bit more over the last few weeks) all veiny etc.

I haven't done anything yet...prolly gonna go onto the chatroom and see if you're about Kehhlr....

Reply author: Mouse
Replied on: 21/06/2010 23:30:58

pics :(............not for squeamish......

think I've killed it.

Reply author: Mouse
Replied on: 21/06/2010 23:37:16

well....that's what a partially developed snake looks like.........

Reply author: DannyBrown91
Replied on: 21/06/2010 23:59:06

Looks like they must have died pretty early. Did you only cut the one egg?

Reply author: kdlang
Replied on: 22/06/2010 00:31:45

Oh Mouse you must be so disappointed. All that waiting.... :(

Hugs hun xxx

Reply author: Kellog
Replied on: 22/06/2010 05:30:47

Oh Mouse, I am so sorry. Well done for being brave enough to cut into the egg (and there is no doubt that you didnt kill that baby)....but I know that is what you were dreading seeing. Are they all like that?

You have done everything you could, gone above and beyond as far as research and maybe it is just natures way of saying these hatchlings just werent meant to be. It sucks, I know....but that is life, unfortunately.

Same as kd....((((((a big hug))))))

Love Ju

Reply author: mikerichards
Replied on: 22/06/2010 06:49:53

That looks like it died a while ago to be honest, are they all the same? I don't know what causes this, one of my ghost eggs was the same, and 4 of the others were fully formed and had split the egg, then died, I think some points in incubating are beyond our control.

What I meant was a while before they were due to hatch! To be honest, 3 to 4 weeks overdue, I think your gonna have the same result am sorry to say. Tis a shame.

Reply author: n/a
Replied on: 22/06/2010 07:06:12

Sorry, just be positive and look forward to sprocketts next clutch.

Reply author: Mouse
Replied on: 22/06/2010 09:31:17

Thing is is that I think it was alive (before I blatantly killed it by cutting the egg.)

I thought it was dead, which is why I cut the egg open by more than a crack, but then it started pulsing after about a minute :(

I'm leaving the others to incubate in that one, and setting up another for Sprocketts second batch (when she deigns to lay them!)

I'm quite upset at the thought that I killed it though....*meep*

I know that from a logical standpoint, I know what stage the others are at, and from a biology standpoint the pics are informative, but still.....

This may be morbid, but if there are any biologists on here that want to study it, let me know, as I left it in it's tub last night. It may be of interest to anyone studying for vetenary snakeness or something.....

Reply author: Mouse
Replied on: 22/06/2010 09:36:16

btw thanks to Gmac who was on the chat room last night. [*] <- I know that's not an emot, but can we make one with a star! (I would, but no idea how to!)

Reply author: gmac
Replied on: 22/06/2010 10:09:35

Mouse Im just gad i was there to help, good luck with the next clutch

Reply author: HannahB
Replied on: 22/06/2010 13:26:12

aw no im so sorry - but sometimes things dont go the way we intended
hope sprocketts next batch develop ok

Reply author: mikerichards
Replied on: 22/06/2010 14:12:36

Was the baby a snow? i havent seen any babies look like that unless they died a while before developing properly, i cut one egg open the other day and it looked like this, and had been dead a while.

Reply author: Mouse
Replied on: 22/06/2010 15:51:10

dunno, it looked like a snow to me, was same colouring as Gobo, and the head pattern was similar too.
(i.e. that difference of white and pink)

Reply author: Sta~ple
Replied on: 22/06/2010 17:27:22

Not to sound stupid/igonrant because I am very intrested, is the orngeness a head and what's the giant pink sack? Is the snake in that sack or would that soild sack somehow develope into a snake? If the snake is in the sack, is there anyway to cut the sack open to see how much it had devolped?

Reply author: Mouse
Replied on: 22/06/2010 17:51:40

orange is a blood vessel over the head, imagine a snake coiled up, with the head in the centre and the rest of the body coiling outwards - that's what's there

Reply author: Sta~ple
Replied on: 22/06/2010 18:34:08

So the massive pink egg shaped blob is the snake? Or is the snake actually inside of the pink egg shaped blob? Sorry it just looks so confusing to me as I don't know what I'm looking at ._. I see nothing snake like all I can seed is an egg shaped fleshy thing.

I'm sorry to hear what happened though and I really hope the next clutch turn out ok.

Reply author: Mouse
Replied on: 22/06/2010 18:39:01

ok, as I'm guessing I've killed it, do you want me to take it out of the egg shell remains and take proper pics of it in a scientific manner? I can probably start a new pic thread, as I'm guessing some people won't want to see... let me know...

Reply author: Mouse
Replied on: 22/06/2010 18:41:32

(btw, am currenty on tcs chat room... )

Reply author: Sta~ple
Replied on: 22/06/2010 18:50:22

Um yes please I am very intrested but only if you are 100% sure. Makes me wish I had looked into the eggs of some of mine that didn't hatch but I'm not as brave as you.

Reply author: Mouse
Replied on: 22/06/2010 21:42:51

OMFG.......I will post on a new post with a warning on it.......

Reply author: Mouse
Replied on: 22/06/2010 21:44:19

actually, will run pics past mods first..

Reply author: mikerichards
Replied on: 22/06/2010 22:24:14

i would be interested to see.
The blob like thing is the egg yolk most likely, if its very full then its likely the snake hasnt used much of it and died fairly early on.
Its likely that your girlie could be dh snow, so may have been a snow baby, but if its not, and its still white, then it died a while ago before the colour started to form. Another way to see, is by looking at the eyes, if they are fully formed but opaque, then its fully formed, but if they are like little black/blue specs, then its been a while.
I shall keep my eyes open for the new thread in the morning.

Reply author: Mouse
Replied on: 23/06/2010 00:18:40

I txt'd you mid panick, dunno if you got are pics from today..

Blood n stuf...

Cut egg

Cut egg again

First out of the egg (day after cutting)

Outer gack removed, just 2 membranes left (Yolk is the bag of goo above it)

Next to tweezers for size reference.

Poor little thing..still alive, only realised once I saw it's hear beating :(

trying to keep it together, putting it in incubator on off chance is survives...

Reply author: mikerichards
Replied on: 23/06/2010 06:54:43

Crap, that's a bit of a shock! Make sure its kept nice and damp, warm the incubator up a bit too, 29 to 30, keep it nice and dark too, its eyes will be super sensitive. To be honest, am sorry but I don't think it will live, it will be incredible if it does.
How many days have the eggs been incubating at, and what temps, any days at a much lower temp? Power cuts?
If its 4 weeks over due, then I find it amazing its actually alive!
Am on the phone so I can't see the pics very well, is the pattern fully formed? What about its spine and head shape? Any kinks, bumps, lumps etc?

Did you text me? I haven't had a message at all. My new number is in my profile.

Reply author: mikerichards
Replied on: 23/06/2010 07:17:56

Ok, its not 4 weeks overdue, I can't read, that's all! They are a few days over due, still well within normal times. Don't do anything.

Reply author: Sta~ple
Replied on: 23/06/2010 10:03:11

Thanks Mike, that makes sense. I was starting to get worried I didn't see the sack when mine hatched then.

Bless the poor thing! That must have been a shock I hope it lives the poor little thing.

Reply author: Mouse
Replied on: 23/06/2010 10:12:07

hehe, was on the chat room with Gmac and Kehhlr all night.

All the eggs are up one end (didn't tip them!) and lil' snakie is wrapped in moist kitchen towel up at one end.

I don't think he'll make it :(

But he's a gorgeous lil' thing, so I hope I'll get some others the same.

The temp was low, so it's now about 29C.

It's pattern was fully formed, and it's head was fine. No lumps bumps or kinks...


if anyone feels like guessing the morph, feel free...we've had hypo/amel so far.....

Reply author: mikerichards
Replied on: 23/06/2010 10:20:31

Cool, how low was the temp? He's an amel, unless mr snow is het hypo.
It proves your girly is het amel though!
I will be surprised if he does survive, it looks like he wasn't nearly ready to hatch, the main thing is too make sure the umbilical and yolk sac don't dry out.
Did you get my messages this morning?

Reply author: Mouse
Replied on: 23/06/2010 10:31:36

it was about 26C.

Cool! I'm excited to find out what else will come out!

Well, the yolk is still attatched I think (I tried) and whatever is in the yolk, but the blood supply ruptured when I first got him out. Tis the reason I got him out of the membrane, as I didn't want him drowning in the pooling blood.

Messages as in on here, or text? if it was txt, then no I didn't....

I'll update your number on my phone ....

Reply author: mikerichards
Replied on: 23/06/2010 11:09:26

I text the number in your profile, I think! Maybe someone has some random messages about eggs! At 26 you got a few days left.

Reply author: mikerichards
Replied on: 23/06/2010 11:13:56

Apparently I cannot read, interpret, and then write a number at 7am!

Reply author: Mouse
Replied on: 23/06/2010 11:16:50

HAHAHAHAHA, have sent you a msg!

Reply author: Mouse
Replied on: 23/06/2010 13:02:35

I got the one from your old number just now!!

I don't know if it's clear, but in the full length pic you can see it's umbellicle...i dunno what it's meant to look like!

Reply author: Sta~ple
Replied on: 23/06/2010 13:40:05

Just noticed, like the snake looks like it has a dent all the way in it's belly from the middle of the snake, is this because it isn't fully formed?

Reply author: mikerichards
Replied on: 23/06/2010 15:55:21

No, its most likely because its not got a full belly, if the yolk has gone, then it might be better just to put it down, i dont think its going to get any better, and if it hasnt fed, and doesnt have any yolk left, then i think it will starve.
I havent had to do this yet, so i dont really know what its supposed to look like, i cant help on that ama afraid, i honestly dont know what else to suggest.
I got your message yes, i text you off the old phone cos my batt was nearly flat on the new one!

Reply author: Mouse
Replied on: 23/06/2010 20:19:22

there wasn't a dent. It was so dehydrated that it kinda folded over a bit. The dark line was a vein.

It's dead. Deffo. It's eyes have gone silver.

RIP little Cedric.
xx :(

If someone wants a dead pre-hatched snake to autopsy properly....let me know....

Reply author: Mouse
Replied on: 23/06/2010 22:05:44

Close ups of Cedric...patterns etc easy to see.

Reply author: Scarlett
Replied on: 24/06/2010 12:24:14

What a beautiful little thing it was. I'm sorry for your loss Mouse =[ Don't blame yourself at all though, these things happen sometimes and as hard as it is to think through they usually happen for a reason.

*Big hugs*

Reply author: Sta~ple
Replied on: 24/06/2010 13:01:28

I am really sorry to hear this :( I never knew snakes eyes went sliver when they died though, mine didn't but I don't know how long the hatchie was dead for before I noticed it...

I really hope the rest will be ok for you.

Reply author: HannahB
Replied on: 24/06/2010 13:32:00

RIP Cedric,
dont blame yourself Mouse whatever you do,
he really was a sweetie xx

Reply author: Mouse
Replied on: 24/06/2010 16:47:55

Thanks guys,

@ Stapey, yeah, if you look at the 1st 2 pics of the last lot compared with the earlier pics when it was in the membrane, you can see the difference. I'm guessing it's something to do with the iris, but I noticed it on other pets I've had previously too.

Re-blame, well, if I hadn't cut the egg he may have lived, but then I wouldn't have known about the others, and they might not have survived if I'd assumed they were dead, so....... 6 = 12/2!

Thanks for replies tho.

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